Quick view Details Breckwell | sku: 10-1120 Breckwell, Enviro, Vistaflame & Regency Combustion Blower Motor Assembly (10-1120) Log in for pricing Compare
Quick view Details Quadrafire | sku: 11-1218 Quadrafire Convection Blower - Check Model (11-1218) Log in for pricing Compare
Quick view Details Breckwell | sku: 12-1013 4 RPM CW Auger Motor (12-1013) Log in for pricing Compare
Quick view Details Quadrafire | sku: 812-0170 Quadrafire Counter Clockwise 1 RPM Auger Motor (812-0170) Log in for pricing Compare
Quick view Details Austroflamm | sku: 104551 Austroflamm Integra Convection Blower - Pre 2006 (104551) Log in for pricing Compare
Quick view Details Whitfield | sku: 12055902 Whitfield Advantage II-T, III, and Plus Control Board (12055902) Log in for pricing Compare
Quick view Details Quadrafire | sku: 812-4470 Quadrafire Pellet Stove Thermocouple - 14" (812-4470) Log in for pricing Compare
Quick view Details IHP | sku: 15-1035 Orange Silicone Combustion Blower Gasket - 7" (15-1035) Log in for pricing Compare
Quick view Details Austroflamm | sku: 104066 Austroflamm Integra Lower Cast Wall Gasket (104066) Log in for pricing Compare
Quick view Details Kozi | sku: 10-1108 Kozi & USSC Combustion Blower Motor (10-1108) Log in for pricing Compare
Quick view Details Breckwell | sku: 16-1025 Breckwell Low Limit Switch Adapter Plate (16-1025) Log in for pricing Compare
Quick view Breckwell | sku: 10-1120 Breckwell, Enviro, Vistaflame & Regency Combustion Blower Motor Assembly (10-1120) Replacement combustion blower with housing for Breckwell, Enviro, Vistaflame and Regency pellet stoves. This part includes wires with spade connectors, gasket, and impeller. Works with the following pellet stoves: Breckwell Pellet... Log in for pricing Compare
Quick view Quadrafire | sku: 11-1218 Quadrafire Convection Blower - Check Model (11-1218) Replacement convection blower for Quadrafire, Heatilator, and Heat N Glo units. Includes the mounting bracket. Works with the following units: Quadrafire Pellet Stoves: 1200i Classic Bay Insert, Contour, Castile, Castile... Log in for pricing Compare
Quick view Breckwell | sku: 12-1013 4 RPM CW Auger Motor (12-1013) Replacement 4 RPM Auger Motor with a clockwise rotation. This part includes wires and hole in the shaft for the cotter pin. Works with the following units: Breckwell Pellet Stoves: P20 Cadet, P23 (serial # 6332 to 7165), P23I (serial # 1916 to 2242),... Log in for pricing Compare
Quick view Quadrafire | sku: 812-0170 Quadrafire Counter Clockwise 1 RPM Auger Motor (812-0170) Replacement Merkle-Korff 1 RPM counter clockwise auger motor with a 3/8" shaft diameter. Works with the following units: Quadrafire: 800, 1000 OEM Quadrafire part number 812-0170 Log in for pricing Compare
Quick view Austroflamm | sku: 104551 Austroflamm Integra Convection Blower - Pre 2006 (104551) Replacement convection for Austroflamm Integra pellet stoves made before 2006. This is a variable speed blower with two wires and includes mounting bracket (16-1045). The overall dimensions 22 1/2 x 3 1/2 x 3 3/4 and the squirrel cage is 19 1/2. The end... Log in for pricing Compare
Quick view Whitfield | sku: 12055902 Whitfield Advantage II-T, III, and Plus Control Board (12055902) Replacement digital control board for Whitfield (WP2) Advantage II-T, III, and Plus pellet stoves. If you are replacing an older rotary dial model (analog board), you will need to make the following adjustments: Remove current sensing relay. Remove... Log in for pricing Compare
Quick view Quadrafire | sku: 812-4470 Quadrafire Pellet Stove Thermocouple - 14" (812-4470) Replacement 14" thermocouple for Quadrafire and Heatilator Eco-Choice pellet stoves. Works with the following units: Quadrafire Pellet Stoves: Castile, Castile Insert, Contour, Mt Vernon, Santa Fe, Santa Fe B, Santa Fe Insert Heatilator Eco-Choice... Log in for pricing Compare
Quick view IHP | sku: 15-1035 Orange Silicone Combustion Blower Gasket - 7" (15-1035) Replacement high temperature silicone reusable combustion blower mounting gasket. It has an outside diameter of 7" and an inside diameter of 5-7/8" and is for use between the blower housing and blower motor. Works with the following units: Whitfield... Log in for pricing Compare
Quick view Austroflamm | sku: 104066 Austroflamm Integra Lower Cast Wall Gasket (104066) Replacement lower cast wall gasket for Austroflamm Integra pellet stoves.Compatible with Austroflamm part number RII104066 Log in for pricing Compare
Quick view Kozi | sku: 10-1108 Kozi & USSC Combustion Blower Motor (10-1108) Replacement combustion blower for Kozi, Winrich & US Stove pellet stoves. This part includes a reusable high temp silicone gasket and impeller blade. Works with the following units:Kozi Pellet Stoves: KSH120, KSH120DX, 100 FS &... Log in for pricing Compare
Quick view Austroflamm | sku: 14926 Austroflamm Burn Pot (14926) Replacement cast iron burn pot for Austroflamm pellet stoves. Works in the following units: Austroflamm Pellet Stoves: Integra, WegaCompatible with Austroflamm part numbers RIIZ14926 and RWPZ12506 Log in for pricing Compare
Quick view Breckwell | sku: 16-1025 Breckwell Low Limit Switch Adapter Plate (16-1025) Replacement low limit switch adapter plate for Breckwell pellet stoves. This adapter is used on older Breckwell units to upgrade the proof of fire/low limit disc to the smaller 13-1124 switch. Works with the following units: Breckwell Pellet... Log in for pricing Compare